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LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site. This site was made just to share information, for good faith commentary and fun. No commercial purpose is behind this site, that is independent and not sponsored by LEGO Group. For more information concerning the correct use of copyrights and trademarks, this site has referred to the LEGO® official web site, at the URL


If some errors about "correct use of copyrights and trademarks" can be found in this site, it is unintentional, so please let me know what's wrong and I'll promptly make the corrections. I am absolutely intentioned to talk about my collections but respecting all the copyrights and trademarks of LEGO Group.

Ragazzi, benvenuti nella mia collezione di modelli realizzati con i famosi mattoncini e componenti Lego. Anni e anni di fatica... E la ricerca continua. Se siete appassionati del settore, gustatevi la mia collezione. Se invece non lo siete, magari questa č la volta buona per diventarlo.

Ciao e buona visione.

Elenco completo su BrickSet.com.


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